Thursday, January 7, 2016

Watch Out For Winter :: 1/3/16 PM

Watch Out For Winter
II Timothy 4:21

Intro: In this chapter, Paul had 4 things on his mind.  Let's notice them.

1. The Carnality of the Flock – vs. 1-4
  1. Reminded the church that they will face God.
  2. They had the wrong desires (lusts vs. 3)
  3. Didn't want straight preaching.
2. The Compromisers of the Faith – vs. 10
  1. Demas had walked with Paul – see Phil. 1:24
  2. Paul was in prison; Demas left him there.
  3. Didn't want to identify with suffering or danger.
  4. Loved this PRESENT world more than the next.
3. The Controversies of the Foe – vs. 14
  1. Paul made no mistake who he was talking about.
  2. Described him distinctly – the coppersmith.
  3. Was more than likely wealthy as well as talented.
  4. He greatly withstood the words of the man of God.
  5. Told Timothy to beware of him.
4. The Challenges of the Future – vs. 21
     Winter is a picture of:
  1. Fruitlessness – no blooms, no fruit, no produce
  2. Leaflessness  - empty, bare, ugly; not beautiful; not attractive
  3. Darkness – longer nights; shorter days; less light available
  4. Coldness – no natural heat; any extra heat requires effort
  5. Deadness – the Christian life is a cycle of life and deadness
Paul was concerned about the coming winter.  It represented challenges ahead. 
He needed three things to help him make it through.  If we are going to survive the winter, we will need these three things as well.

Notice His Accomplishment – I have finished my course.
Notice His Acknowledgement – I have fought a good fight.
But… Notice His Admission – it’s not over YET!  Challenges are ahead.

I. A Supernatural Cloke – vs. 13
He left it at Troas. See Acts 20:6-12
It was his 3rd missionary journey. His last time in Troas. He raised Eutychus from the dead.
Cloak means 'mantle'. Phelones; (fell-on’-ace) a traveling cloke, used for protection against stormy weather
Picture of the power of God; similar to Elijah and Elisha
He couldn't stop the winter; but he could have a cloke!!
Protection from the storm; help stay warm when the world is cold!

II. A Scriptural Comfort – vs. 13b
Parchments: Greek: membrane: the membrane (skin) of a sheep
A Lamb had to die to provide him with those comforting words; Heb. 12:2 our compass
"especially the parchments" means he had proper emphasis

III. A Spiritual Companion – vs. 11
He was no doubt discouraged over Demas leaving.
Needed Timothy and John Mark.
Too many Demas' and not enough John Mark's.

Too many Alexander's as well!