Friday, August 12, 2016

Dominican Republic Missions Trip Day 3 :: 8/12/16


We were thrilled last night to see the house of God full as the church gathered for the second night of the Soulwinning Conference.  There was an obvious Satanic warfare but the Lord allowed me to preach the passage out of II Kings 7 on the four lepers discovering the food in a time of famine.  Brother Harry was also able to share his testimony of salvation with the church.  As I mentioned earlier, the Haitian believers and the Dominican believers have been coming together for these special services.  They normally worship at two different times because the Haitians speak French and the Dominicans speak Spanish.  Brother Lane feels confident that the Haitians grasp of Spanish is good enough that he is just translating my messages into the one language.  He thought he would have to translate everything I preached into Spanish and then French, but that takes a lot longer.  It’s hard enough to communicate with all the interrupting, but two languages makes it almost impossible to complete a thought.  It is murder on the interpreter!  I’m confident that God has spoken to hearts, in spite of the language barrier.  There were 93 in the service last night and one boy got saved after church.  He went to the altar weeping during the invitation.


This morning, we enjoyed our breakfast by the river in the open air restaurant.  This has become a highlight of the day; cool, beautiful scenery, the sound of rushing water, fresh fruit, unbelievable coffee and a time of fellowship with each other and Brother Lane.  We left after breakfast to make a quick trip down to the camp.  One of the families in the church had a death and they needed to borrow the camp stove to cook for all the people.  In the States, if there’s a death in the church, everybody pitches in and cooks for the family.  Here, the family cooks for everybody that comes to the funeral.  So we loaded up the stove (homemade) and delivered it to the church member’s house. 

After that, we went to a couple of neighborhoods and passed out Chick tracts and did some personal soulwinning and evangelism.  We had the opportunity to share the gospel with quite a few people, in spite of the language barrier.  Bro. Lane led a man to Christ, and Bro. Hall had the privilege of meeting a young lady that spoke English, and she also accepted Christ.  We did this for several hours up until we were interfering with people’s “siesta”.  From about 12 noon until 2 pm, the stores shut down and people eat and take a rest.  We loaded up and went to the Lanes for sloppy joe’s and brownies.  We have enjoyed getting to spend time with the Lanes and see where they have labored for so many years.  We are looking forward to the service tonight after inviting many people today to the services.  The people here are very kind and receptive.  Many came up to us asking for tracts when they saw what we were doing.  The children here are absolutely beautiful.  My heart went out to them today as I saw the poor living conditions of many of them.  More than their poverty, their spiritual condition is heartbreaking. They are sweet and kind and hardworking… and lost.  Please pray for this city to be saved!