Monday, March 14, 2016

Hope for the Dysfunctional Family Part 4 :: 3/13/16

Part 4
Genesis 2:15-25

Intro: We have examined the husband – the HEAD of the home. Tonight, we will look at the wife – the HELP of the home.  Solomon said this about the wife:
·         Proverbs 14:1 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.

The wife can be instrumental in BUILDING UP her home, or BREAKING UP her home.

The world has successfully distorted and perverted the will of God for the wife.
Hollywood has flourished depicting women as the hero and men as the villans.
TV shows and movies have reduced men to the role of helpmeet many times.
It’s barbaric and “stone age” to show a man being a gentleman.
It’s old fashioned to show a woman as helpless and in need of a man.
We have women driving dump trucks and men work at the daycare center.
Women are the detectives solving murder cases and men are the hair salon and cosmetic experts.
Women are the warriors, and men are running the cooking shows.

·         ILLUSTRATION: After 19 years on TV, Judge Judy is the highest paid person in TV. With “Judge Judy” on air for over 16 years, Sheindlin makes $43 million. But if you take into count that she only works 52 days a year on “Judge Judy,” - Sheindlin makes roughly $900,000 per episode. Her contract has been extended to 2020.

America is FASCINATED by strong, dominating, sharp-tongued, sassy, bossy women.
She even owns another company named Queen Bee.
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, “Nice Women Don’t Make History”.
They might not make history, but they make God pleased.
I’m not politically correct – and I love it.

It was God’s design for the wife to ASSIST her husband in making the home complete.
Let’s notice several key facts from our text:

I. The Purpose of the Wife
·         Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
It is imperative to understand the plan of God when He created the first wife.
It is clearly stated in the Scriptures that the wife’s role in the home is to be a HELP MEET.

NOTE: Adam already had a home, a job, a career and a walk with God when God brought him a wife. (see Gen. 2:15-17)
The wife wasn’t given to him to tell him what to do, she was to be his HELP.

·         I Timothy 5:14 I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.

This requires that the wife have:
·         The Right Approach to Marriage
We’re not talking about single women.
We are talking to married women.
Their approach to marriage should include a fundamental understanding of their God-given role in the marriage.
If they are lazy, the marriage will bring nothing but pain and frustration.
If they are proud and selfish, the marriage will bring nothing but pain and frustration.
A wife’s role is to HELP – to serve and to minister to the needs of her husband.
God compares the wife to the church.
God provides for the church, in turn the church serves the groom.
Our happiness is found in serving God selflessly and pleasing Him.

·         The Right Attitude toward Marriage
The woman was created with a unique and very specific purpose in mind.
To help the man achieve success and fulfillment in his life by helping him.
The man wasn’t put on the earth to fulfill the woman.
She was put on earth to fulfil her man.

The happiest woman in the world is a woman that is doing what she was created to do.